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h1. Share E-mail Folders


By Sharing E-mail Folders you allow your colleagues access to your e-mail folders, either for viewing or for modifying.


* Go to {link-window:


* Log in using your full e-mail address ( [email protected] ) and current password.


* Click on *Folders* in the left menu


* Click on *Edit* next to the folder you wish to share


* Select the user you wish to give permission to


* Select the rights he will have on the folder


* Click on



By default, your own account has full permissions on the folder you are editing. Make sure not to erase your own permissions or you will lose access to that

You can allow very granular control to each user by controlling the following permissions:


Mailbox is visible in mailbox list. Mailbox can be subscribed to


Mailbox can be opened for reading


Message flags and keywords can be changed, except \Seen and \Deleted


\Seen flag can be changed


\Deleted flag can be changed


Messages can be written or copied to the mailbox


Messages can be expunged ( removed )

Common Permissions

In order to give someone Read-Only permissions to your folder, you will grant L + R rights only

In order to give someone Read/Write permissions to your folder, you will grant L + R + I

In order to give someone Read/Write/Erase permissions to your folder, you will grant L + R + I + E

For Full Access, simply give out all the permissions: L + R + W + S + T + I + E

Updating permissions on a folder


You can allow very granular control to each user by controlling the following permissions:
| L | Mailbox is visible in mailbox list. Mailbox can be subscribed to |
| R \\ | Mailbox can be opened for reading |
| W \\ | Message flags and keywords can be changed, except \Seen and \Deleted |
| S \\ | \Seen flag can be changed |
| T \\ | \Deleted flag can be changed |
| I \\ | Messages can be written or copied to the mailbox |
| E \\ | Messages can be expunged ( removed ) |

h4. Common Permissions

In order to give someone *Read-Only* permissions to your folder, you will grant L + R rights only

In order to give someone *Read/Write* permissions to your folder, you will grant L + R + I

In order to give someone *Read/Write/Erase* permissions to your folder, you will grant L + R + I + E

For *Full Access*, simply give out all the permissions: L + R + W + S + T + I + E

h4. Updating permissions on a folder

* Go to {link-window:|type=normal|icon=false|width=1024|height=600}


* Log in using your full e-mail address ( [email protected] ) and current password.


* Click on *Folders* in the left menu


* Click on *Edit* next to the folder you wish to share


* Find the user you wish to update the permissions for


* Update his permissions by placing the appropriate check marks


* Click on


Removing permission on a folder



h4. Removing permission on a folder

* Go to {link-window:|type=normal|icon=false|width=1024|height=600}


* Log in using your full e-mail address ( [email protected] ) and current password.


* Click on *Folders* in the left menu


* Click on *Edit* next to the folder you wish to share


* Click on *Remove* next to the user you wish to remove the permissions for