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h1. Whitelist / Blacklist an e-mail address PolarisMail automatically whitelists e-mail addresses that you communicate with, for your entire domain. For example, within your domain hosted with PolarisMail you have two users: [email protected] and [email protected]. If joe e-mails [email protected] , [email protected] will become whitelisted for both joe and amy. If [email protected] decides to write to [email protected] or [email protected], her e-mail will get through without being filtered. For more details on this, please see our page about [whitelist / blacklist on domain level|]. You can also manually add an e-mail address to the whitelist or blacklist. h4. Add an e-mail address to the whitelist * Go to {link-window:|type=normal|icon=false|width=1024|height=600}[] {link-window} * Log in using your full e-mail address ( [email protected] ) and current password. * Pass your mouse over the *Filtering* menu and choose Blacklist * Make sure you have the correct domain selected in the pull down menu on the left side * Click on the *New Whitelist* button * In the text field next to *Address*, enter the e-mail address you wish to whitelist * Select whether you still wish to check for viruses ( Recommended\! ) * Click on the *Add Whitelist* button h4. Add an e-mail address to the blacklist * Go to {link-window:|type=normal|icon=false|width=1024|height=600}[] {link-window} * Log in using your full e-mail address ( [email protected] ) and current password. * Pass you mouse over the *Filtering* menu and choose Blacklist * Make sure you have the correct domain selected in the pull down menu on the left side * Click on the *New Blacklist* button * In the text field next to *Address*, enter the e-mail address you wish to blacklist * Click on the *Add Blacklist* button {note} Notice that using spam reports is recommended for blacklisting, as it automatically obtains the message's sender, which our system uses, instead of the FROM in the header. If you manually add a blacklist or whitelist entry that doesn't seem to work, this might be the reason. View the header of the e-mail you received and use the value shown in the X-Barracuda-Envelope-From: field as your blacklist or whitelist entry. {note} h4. Remove an e-mail address from the whitelist or blacklist * Go to {link-window:|type=normal|icon=false|width=1024|height=600}[] {link-window} * Log in using your full e-mail address ( [email protected] ) and current password. * Pass you mouse over the *Filtering* menu and choose either *Blacklist* or *Whitelist* * Make sure you have the correct domain selected in the pull down menu on the left side * Click on "*\-*" icon (minus sign) next to the e-mail address you wish to remove |
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