Whitelist / Blacklist an e-mail address
PolarisMail automatically whitelists e-mail addresses that you communicate with, for your entire domain. For example, within your domain hosted with PolarisMail you have two users: [email protected] and [email protected]. If joe e-mails [email protected] , [email protected] will become whitelisted for both joe and amy. If [email protected] decides to write to [email protected] or [email protected], her e-mail will get through without being filtered. For more details on this, please see our page about whitelist / blacklist on domain level.
You can also manually add an e-mail address to the whitelist or blacklist, as described below. Notice that the best way to add whitelist records is using the Spam reports, as it automatically delivers the e-mail and adds sender to your whitelist. Our system uses the Sender instead of the From in the e-mail header, both for blacklist and whitelist, which is automatically done if you authorize e-mails through spam reports. If you enter an e-mail address manually to your black or whitelist and notice it doesn't work, check the e-mail header and look for the X-EmailArray-EnvFrom: field, which should be used. Yet another possibility is that the sender might change each time you receive a certain e-mail. In this case, you can use Rules to delete undesired messages, based on part of the From header address or subject.
Add an e-mail address to the whitelist
Go to
Unknown macro: {link-window}- Log in using your full e-mail address ( [email protected] ) and current password.
- Pass your mouse over the Filtering menu and choose Blacklist
- Make sure you have the correct domain selected in the pull down menu on the left side
- Click on the New Whitelist button
- In the text field next to Address, enter the e-mail address you wish to whitelist
- Select whether you still wish to check for viruses ( Recommended! )
- Click on the Add Whitelist button
Add an e-mail address to the blacklist
Go to
Unknown macro: {link-window}- Log in using your full e-mail address ( [email protected] ) and current password.
- Pass you mouse over the Filtering menu and choose Blacklist
- Make sure you have the correct domain selected in the pull down menu on the left side
- Click on the New Blacklist button
- In the text field next to Address, enter the e-mail address you wish to blacklist
- Click on the Add Blacklist button
Remove an e-mail address from the whitelist or blacklist
Go to
Unknown macro: {link-window}- Log in using your full e-mail address ( [email protected] ) and current password.
- Pass you mouse over the Filtering menu and choose either Blacklist or Whitelist
- Make sure you have the correct domain selected in the pull down menu on the left side
- Click on "-" icon (minus sign) next to the e-mail address you wish to remove